Exploring the Dark Side of Wealth in ‘Mammon’: A Must-Watch for Fans of Psychological Thrillers


If you’re a fan of psychological thrillers, then “Mammon” is definitely a must-watch. This Norwegian television series delves deep into the dark side of wealth and power, exploring the corrupt and cutthroat world of journalism and politics. With its gripping storyline and complex characters, “Mammon” will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the show’s themes and why it’s worth adding to your watchlist.

If you’re a fan of psychological thrillers, then “Mammon” is definitely a must-watch. This Norwegian television series delves deep into the dark side of wealth and power, exploring the corrupt and cutthroat world of journalism and politics. With its gripping storyline and complex characters, “Mammon” will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the show’s themes and why it’s worth adding to your watchlist.

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In this article, we will explore the dark side of wealth depicted in the movie “Mammon”. This Norwegian crime thriller uncovers the corrupt world of finance, where money and power can blind anyone’s moral compass. As we dive into the film’s plot and characters, we will examine the themes of greed, betrayal, and the consequences of chasing wealth at all costs. Through this analysis, we will shed light on how “Mammon” portrays the dangers of the pursuit of riches and the impact it has on individuals and society as a whole.

The Concept of Mammon in Religion and Mythology

When it comes to wealth, there’s often a dark side that’s explored in both religion and mythology. Mammon is a concept that’s been used to represent the greed and obsession associated with material possessions. In some religious texts, Mammon is even personified as a demon or deity that tempts individuals to pursue riches above all else, leading them down a path of destruction. This idea has been explored in cinema and other forms of media, with characters consumed by their desire for wealth and power ultimately facing consequences for their actions. Mammon is a fascinating concept, and one that serves as a reminder of the dangers of greed and excess.

The Pursuit of Wealth as an Obsession

The pursuit of wealth has long been a theme that has fascinated filmmakers and audiences alike. From the rags-to-riches stories of classic Hollywood films to the more recent tales of Wall Street excess, cinema has often explored the dark side of wealth and the obsession it can inspire. Mammon, the biblical personification of greed and avarice, has become a key figure in many of these stories, representing the dangers of becoming too consumed by the pursuit of wealth. As moviegoers, we are drawn to these tales of excess and decadence, but they also serve as a cautionary reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition.

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Mammon and the Negative Impact on Society

Mammon, the dark side of wealth, has had a negative impact on society throughout history. From the rise and fall of empires to the current wealth gap, the pursuit of Mammon has often led to greed, corruption, and exploitation. In the world of cinema, movies and actors, Mammon has also played a role, with big-budget productions often prioritizing profit over artistic value. However, there have been films that have tackled the issue of Mammon and its impact on society, such as “Wall Street” and “The Wolf of Wall Street.” These movies serve as a reminder that the pursuit of wealth at any cost can have dire consequences.

The Psychological Cost of Wealth Obsession

The psychological cost of wealth obsession is a topic that has been explored in many movies and documentaries. The Mammon’s dark side of wealth is a common theme that is seen in movies where characters are driven by their desire for money and material possessions. The obsession with wealth can lead to various mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and even addiction. It can also cause individuals to make unethical or immoral decisions, which can have a negative impact on their personal and professional lives. In cinema, we often see the consequences of wealth obsession played out, highlighting the importance of finding a balance between financial success and one’s well-being.

Mammon and Corruption in Politics and Business

While cinema, movies, and actors are often associated with glamor and wealth, it’s important to acknowledge the dark side of Mammon’s influence in politics and business. Mammon, the biblical term for the love of money, can lead to corruption and unethical practices. Many films have tackled this theme, depicting characters who are driven by greed and power, and ultimately face the consequences of their actions. It’s a reminder that wealth and success aren’t everything, and that we must strive for integrity and honesty in our personal and professional lives.

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Mammon and the Environment

Mammon, the dark side of wealth, has a significant impact on the environment. The excessive consumption of resources to fuel an extravagant lifestyle is damaging the planet. The movie industry, with its high budgets and luxurious sets, is not exempt from this phenomenon. From the production to the promotion of a film, a considerable amount of energy is consumed, and waste is generated. However, some filmmakers are adopting eco-friendly practices, such as using renewable energy sources on set and promoting digital releases to reduce the environmental impact of physical distribution. As cinema enthusiasts, we must also show concern for the planet and support environmentally responsible practices in the industry.

Mammon and the Negative Effects on Personal Relationships

Mammon, commonly known as the dark side of wealth, can have negative effects on personal relationships. The pursuit of money can sometimes become an obsession that can cause people to forget about the importance of building and maintaining healthy relationships. In movies, we see the negative effects of Mammon on personal relationships in films like “The Wolf of Wall Street” or “American Psycho”. These movies depict how the desire for wealth can lead people to neglect their families, friends, and loved ones. It’s important to remember that while money can bring comfort and security, it should never come at the cost of meaningful relationships.

Mammon and the Illusion of Happiness and Fulfillment

Mammon, the dark side of wealth, has been a recurring theme in cinema for decades. Many films have explored the illusion of happiness and fulfillment that money can provide, often portraying wealthy individuals as unhappy and unfulfilled despite their vast fortunes. Such films highlight the dangers of pursuing wealth at the expense of one’s relationships and personal values. From The Great Gatsby to The Wolf of Wall Street, cinema has exposed the pitfalls of Mammon and the importance of finding true fulfillment in life beyond material possessions.


In conclusion, “Mammon: Dark Side of Wealth” is a thought-provoking film that delves into the consequences of greed and obsession with money. The movie’s cast delivers powerful performances that capture the complex emotions of their characters. The film’s cinematography and soundtrack immerse the audience in the story’s world, making it an engaging and unforgettable experience. “Mammon: Dark Side of Wealth” is a must-watch for anyone interested in exploring the darker side of humanity and the prices we pay in our pursuit of wealth.

For more information about Mammon dark side of wealth, including movie details, cast information, etc..
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